Soft Light Photoshop Action – Advanced For Free Download
Do not spend lots of time trying to create this effect manually, get it done in seconds with only a few clicks.Simply open up a photo and click play on the action. Create this highly detailed effect from your photos with little effort at all. The action has been tested and working on Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 & CC 2014, CC 2018 The action will ONLY WORK IN THE ENGLISH VERSION OF PHOTOSHOP. If you are not using the English version of Photoshop, you can always change it to English and then back again to your native language.
Main Folder Contains
Soft Light *.atn action fileGuide and Help File
Very Easy To Customize
Duplicate Layers/ Folder to add even more detailsLots of Layers to customize the designShow/Hide Folders/Layers to add more detailsWell organized Folders / Layers
Photo sizes between 3000–3000px (recommended 3000px in wide/high)Photo resolution between 240-300dpi (recommended 300pdi)Photo must be RGB and 8bit color mode in PhotoshopUse English versions of PhotoshopUse your photo as the background (Layer -> New -> Layer from Background)Avoid using small resolution images.