AURA | Watercolor Sketch Photoshop Action For Free Download
The AURA Photoshop Action will help you to turn your images into beautiful watercolor sketches in just a few clicks. You can combine a water-based drawing with a pencil sketching. The resulting effect is very realistic and easily customisable. You will get a set of layers that will give you many options to reach your own unique effect. Action works with Photoshop CS3 and above on Windows and Mac.
- Good for portraits, landscapes, interiors, architecture and design photos
- Tested with Photoshop CS3 – CC 2019 (only English version) on Mac and PC
- Well organised layer structure
- Realistic effect of a water-based painting combined with a pencil sketch
- Easy to use in a few clicks, minimal Photoshop skill is required
- Help PDF file included
- Best image sizes 1700-4000 px
- File size 271,5 MB
- Make sure that you are using English version of Photoshop. If not, you always can change the language of your version of Photoshop to English (and switch back again) using this method
- Use only RGB mode at 8 bits/channel
- Make sure that the option “Add ‘copy’ to Copied Layers and Groups” is turned on (Layers Tab – Panel Options)
- Set Brush and Art History Brush opacity and flow to 100%
- Load to your Photoshop compulsory brushes, patterns and tool preset
- Load action to your Photoshop. To do this go to menu Window – Actions – Load actions and select AURA.atn
- Open your image, create new layer (with name ‘area’) and just paint your focus-area, or use Quick Selection Tool and make layer via copy with name ‘area’
- Run the action