Watercolor Sketch Photoshop Action
Watercolor Sketch Photoshop Action
ABR | 79 Mb
Watercolor Sketch Photoshop Actionu00a0is created studying theu00a0traditional sketching and watercoloru00a0techniques and will take your Photoshop watercolor sketches to a whole new level. The script isu00a0intelligently craftedu00a0to give a better end-user experience. You can simply run itu00a0on any of your images and the action will do the rest. You would just needu00a0Photoshopu00a0(CS5 or newer)u00a0and no advanced skill. Now, anyone can trulyu00a0be an artist!
The effect works best on u00a0portraits, figures, still life, inanimate objects, landscapes, architectures, buildingsu00a0 Watercolor Sketch Photoshop Action has got covered you from all angles. Moreover this action runs onu00a0any language of Photoshop.